Monday, 27 June 2016

TCL (alcatel) is probably making BlackBerry's next smartphone

The next BlackBerry smartphone will be unveiled next month, according to the company's CEO. He's also previously said to expect two cheaper offerings this year compared to the high-end Priv - one with a physical keyboard and one without.That all-touchscreen model could be the one seeing the
light of day in July, as it turns out. And TCL, the Chinese company best known elsewhere for making alcatel-branded phones, might be the one manufacturing it.There's not a lot of evidence for this yet, however, and what we do have is mostly circumstantial, as they'd say. But bear with us. A TCL device with the product name DTEK 50 has been certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance, which is odd because DTEK is the name of the privacy suite that ships on the BlackBerry Priv. But wait, there's more! The model number for TCL's device is listed as STH100-2, which strangely manages to fully adhere to BlackBerry's way of using model numbers for its products (case in point - the Priv is STV100-1).

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